I am still completely over the moon that I was discovered by the World Wide Fund for Nature, and then invited by them to do an Instagram Takeover. It is a real honour to be asked as I have been a firm supoorter of their campaigning since they founded in the 1980s, back when I was a nature-loving teenager. Now I am a nature-loving older person!
Here is what they shared of my photography on their Instagram account, in carousels over three days.
Arctic wildlife: https://www.instagram.com/p/C29febJIg7A/
British wildlife: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3Cs1K5oLFq/
African wildlife: The last set of images: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3H1977oKeL
The first tweet on X (Twitter) is here: https://twitter.com/wwf_uk/status/1754438511900385476
These are the mages the WWF shared. The Arctic set were taken up in Svalbard, the African set were taken in Kenya and South Africa and the British set taken in South Devon and around the UK>