In the UK
Showcase images

Stag at dawn, Richmond Park

Red Fox, taken at the British Wildlife Photography Centre, Devon

Black swan, Dawlish, South Devon

Bumble bee wings

Taken on a beautiful, icy, blue sky winter's morning at the Otter and Butterfly sanctuary in Buckfastleigh, South Devon.

Red deer, Richmond Park
6am, Richmond Park on a misty morning
Too early for coffee even (!), I wandered through the bush, often lying on my belly to photograph the rutting red stags, listening to their roaring, with only gathering females for themselves on their minds.
My article in Outdoor Photography Magazine - A moment with nature >>
My stag in the British Wildlife Photography Awards and in the Sunday Times >>

Photographing the birds in the garden
I love sitting quietly in the garden with nothing more than a cup of strong coffee and my camera, watching the garden birds come and go to the feeders I fill almost daily. I've learnt the behaviours of the different birds and how different species have varying tolerances of my presence. I enjoy when they move over a perfect background, enabling me the chance of capturing the moment.

More bird photography
A random collection of more bird photography
These photographs are mostly of birds in the UK, although some are further afield. Gulls and other seabirds around the South Devon coast are always fun to photograph and I love watching their behaviours (except when they brazenly steal chips and ice-creams). Wherever I go I am always on the lookout for birds of any kind..

British Wildlife
Photos taken at the British Wildlife Photography Centre, Devon
Otter, Scottish wild cat, Sika deer, badger, British red fox and harvest mouse