How it all began and why I do it

About my Hospiscare photography
My daisy - the greetings card where it all began.
From personal experience, I witnessed the loving care given by Hospiscare to a good friend at the end of his life. I was so moved by the kindness of everyone working there that the next day, rather than send a cash donation, I offered up any photograph from my website for any use the marketing team wanted. They chose a photo of a daisy which was turned into a greetings card and used on the front cover of a calendar one year, both sold in the shops and at the reception area.
I was then strong-armed into a visit to 'try a few photos on the ward', something I was very dubious I could do. As the morning went on and I was there with my camera talking to the patients, doctors and nurses, the more I felt I needed to capture the special atmosphere there, one of deep compassion alongside a joyous feeling of pulling out every stop to make their patients days the very best they could be.
That was the start of my relationship with the charity and I have been a volunteer photographer for them ever since - from photographing the patients, the medical teams, the staff and volunteers who keep the whole charity ticking along so well and for fundraising events, recruitment needs and other projects. It is a privilege to help where I can and in return create the best images I can for use.
Hospiscare provides expert support, resources and personalised care for people in Exeter, Mid and East Devon who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness both in specialist wards at the hospice, in daycare and at home.
Here is a selection of portraits I've taken.